Winter 24 Batch – A Batch
9th March, 2024
We visited Chinchner PHC on 9th March, 2024. Under scheme ‘Pradhanmantri Surakshit Matrutva’, ANC camp is arranged on 9th of every month. From this month we as Sawkar College of Homoeopathy participated in this programme.
25 students of Winter 24 batch along with Dr. Shital Manish Inamdar (HOD Obs Gyn ) visited at PHC.
We examined total 32 patients during 10 am to 1 pm.
Students took their history, and brought them for examination. Dr. Inamdar and Dr. Patil (M.O. Chinchner PHC) demonstrated different Obstetric Grips, How to examine patient, FHS, what are complications and about BOH.
Students also do per abdominal examination on their own under teacher’s guidance. They also work in Lab also for investigations and sample collection. It’s a very nice and informative visit which add to students practical skills.